We are inescapably confronted with time on a daily basis. It assists us in organizing our lives, for the better or worse, and we have also grown comfortable with dividing our sense of time in three main blocks: a past, a present moment, and a future. Time is so intrinsically entangled with our everyday experiences […]
Tag: Quantum Physics Page 1 of 3

If I glance at your passport, I am able to figure out — depending on where you are from — your age, your country of origin, your full name, your social security number, and your gender, among other things, and in order to retrieve these bits of information from your passport, I need first and foremost to be able […]

Thinking up a single theory that explains everything within the physical world is what seems to drive several theoretical physicists. From the dynamics of the largest cosmological structures down to the twists and turns of quantum systems at the smallest of scales. The leading position in the search for a unifying mathematical scheme is arguably […]

How did it all start? How was our Universe created? What were the initial conditions? Were there any conditions at all? Is our observable Universe just one patch of many in a much larger universe beyond our reach? Is our Universe unique? Did it pop out of nowhere? Will it expand forever or come crashing […]

The scientific field of biochemistry — the study of chemical reactions and processes in biological organisms — backed up by physical chemistry — the application of standard physical concepts, such as motion, thermodynamics, and force, to chemical systems — is most of the time sufficient to gain a thorough understanding of the organizing mechanistic principles within living creatures. However, some researchers think that […]