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Tag: Psychotherapy

Is Popping Pills Healing or Harming Psychiatric Patients?

Is Popping Pills Healing or Harming Psychiatric Patients?

It is relatively easy to get lost in our mental world. However, finding our way back to a life in which we feel comfortable in our skin is no sinecure. Along the journey, wishful thinking aside, we have no airtight guarantee that we will arrive at the final destination we have in mind. And if […]

The Theorized Role of Psychotherapy in Multi-Level Conflict Resolution

The Theorized Role of Psychotherapy in Multi-Level Conflict Resolution

This article aims to contribute to the theoretical discussion on socio-psychological approaches to conflict resolution. It explores what role psychotherapy can offer to conflict transformation of protracted conflicts. Recognizing the need for greater attention to socio-psychological aspects in conflict resolution methods, I participated in 2014 in a psychotherapy workshop, which introduced me to Jacob Levy […]

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