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Tag: Inclusion

What Does SARS-CoV-2 Do to Our Body?

What Does SARS-CoV-2 Do to Our Body?

The motivation for this article sprouts not just from scientific curiosity, but also from a broader appreciation that we humans are more interconnected with our natural environment and our animal peers than we sometimes are aware of. Therefore, a deeper understanding with respect to the impact SARS-CoV-2 is having on our body carries the potential […]

United in One Health

United in One Health

The concept of One Health ultimately sets its agenda on transcending the apparent borders between mankind, the animal kingdom, and the ecosystem to implement a cross-sectoral approach to prevent and manage health risks. Taken each pillar individually, cooperation is not uncommon. For instance, trees share resources and send warning signals with the help of belowground […]

Why Psychoanalysis provides that extra bit to conflict studies

Why Psychoanalysis Provides That Extra Bit to Conflict Studies

The field of psychodynamics is an umbrella term for all the theories in the field of psychology — yet, most specifically, psychoanalysis — that largely center on unconscious mental processes, such as enemy imagery formation, when studying conscious human behaviour. Quoting psychoanalyst Charles Rycroft, psychoanalysis “interprets human behaviour in terms of the self that experiences […]

Making the European Union Whole Again

Making the European Union Whole Again

Some believe that a deeper integrated European Union (EU) would benefit us all, as we would strengthen our coordination on a broad range of policies within the EU. Greater coordination increases policy efficiency, enhancing our quality of life. In addition, we would be increasingly regarded as a coherent bloc of countries speaking with a single […]

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