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Tag: Biologie

Where Do We Come From, Literally?

Where Do We Come From, Literally?

Sometimes we are gazing at the stars, scintillating reassuringly across the sky, as if we are yearning for a long-forgotten speck of what once felt as home. An enigmatic melancholy, barely noticeable, yet ever so present, falls upon us. Would that nostalgic state of mind not make more sense if we knew that the body […]

United in One Health

United in One Health

The concept of One Health ultimately sets its agenda on transcending the apparent borders between mankind, the animal kingdom, and the ecosystem to implement a cross-sectoral approach to prevent and manage health risks. Taken each pillar individually, cooperation is not uncommon. For instance, trees share resources and send warning signals with the help of belowground […]

The Gravitational Beauty of Trees

The Gravitational Beauty of Trees

Gravity is one of the four fundamental interactions in nature — the three others being electromagnetism, the strong nuclear interactions, and the weak nuclear interactions — and it pervades space like an invisible field until infinity. Albert Einstein taught us that the gravitational field is spacetime itself, and that gravity is experienced as a result of large masses bending […]

Is Popping Pills Healing or Harming Psychiatric Patients?

Is Popping Pills Healing or Harming Psychiatric Patients?

It is relatively easy to get lost in our mental world. However, finding our way back to a life in which we feel comfortable in our skin is no sinecure. Along the journey, wishful thinking aside, we have no airtight guarantee that we will arrive at the final destination we have in mind. And if […]

Are Biological Processes Experts in Quantum Physics?

Are Biological Processes Experts in Quantum Physics?

Scientific inquiry can be a lesson in humility. Astronomer Nicolaus Copernicus taught us this in the sixteenth century when submitting the hypothesis that the Sun is sitting at the centre of the Solar System, not the Earth. Although we are limited by our own cognitive abilities, such humility can nevertheless open doors towards a broader […]

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