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Messages From Above

Messages From Above

If I glance at your passport, I am able to figure out — depending on where you are from — your age, your country of origin, your full name, your social security number, and your gender, among other things, and in order to retrieve these bits of information from your passport, I need first and foremost to be able […]

Our Place

Our Place in the World Wide Universe

Taking a step back from our day-to-day activities can sometimes have an invigorating effect, as it allows us to pause for a moment, reflect on where we stand, and see where we want to go from there. This article gives a literal spin to this reflective exercise: Where do we actually stand in the broader […]

Catch Me If You Can, Said the Black Hole

Catch Me If You Can, Said the Black Hole

It goes without saying that it is hard to observe something that we cannot perceive with our own eyes. Luckily, science and technology have come a long way in helping us to detect the unseeable. Think of optical and atomic force microscopes showing how the Shewanella oneidensis bacterium extracts oxygen from toxic metals, mirrors and […]

See You Maybe on the Other Side

See You Maybe on the Other Side

Going from one point in space to another without actually traversing the distance. Does that sound mind-bendingly improbable? And stretching our mind even a bit further, the destination of that eccentric journey may well be located in a different universe altogether or lie in the past. It is Albert Einstein’s theory of general relativity that […]

Where Do We Come From, Literally?

Where Do We Come From, Literally?

Sometimes we are gazing at the stars, scintillating reassuringly across the sky, as if we are yearning for a long-forgotten speck of what once felt as home. An enigmatic melancholy, barely noticeable, yet ever so present, falls upon us. Would that nostalgic state of mind not make more sense if we knew that the body […]

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