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Categorie: Kwantumbiologie

In deze rubriek vind je publicaties die een brug slaan tussen de kwantumfysica en verscheidene biologische fenomenen.

Do We Have a Quantum Entangled Brain?

Do We Have a Quantum Entangled Brain?

The scientific field of biochemistry — the study of chemical reactions and processes in biological organisms — backed up by physical chemistry — the application of standard physical concepts, such as motion, thermodynamics, and force, to chemical systems — is most of the time sufficient to gain a thorough understanding of the organizing mechanistic principles within living creatures. However, some researchers think that […]

It smells quantastic, doesn't it?

It Smells Quantastic, Doesn’t It?

Have you ever wondered how we know how something smells? I mean, the volatile molecules entering your nose have to tell your brain in one way or another: “Hey, it’s me!”. But how do these messages get up there in the first place? To find the answers to these questions, we need to turn to chemical messaging and […]

Are Biological Processes Experts in Quantum Physics?

Are Biological Processes Experts in Quantum Physics?

Scientific inquiry can be a lesson in humility. Astronomer Nicolaus Copernicus taught us this in the sixteenth century when submitting the hypothesis that the Sun is sitting at the centre of the Solar System, not the Earth. Although we are limited by our own cognitive abilities, such humility can nevertheless open doors towards a broader […]

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