Going from one point in space to another without actually traversing the distance. Does that sound mind-bendingly improbable? And stretching our mind even a bit further, the destination of that eccentric journey may well be located in a different universe altogether or lie in the past. It is Albert Einstein’s theory of general relativity that […]

The motivation for this article sprouts not just from scientific curiosity, but also from a broader appreciation that we humans are more interconnected with our natural environment and our animal peers than we sometimes are aware of. Therefore, a deeper understanding with respect to the impact SARS-CoV-2 is having on our body carries the potential […]

Have you ever wondered how we know how something smells? I mean, the volatile molecules entering your nose have to tell your brain in one way or another: “Hey, it’s me!”. But how do these messages get up there in the first place? To find the answers to these questions, we need to turn to chemical messaging and […]

Sometimes we are gazing at the stars, scintillating reassuringly across the sky, as if we are yearning for a long-forgotten speck of what once felt as home. An enigmatic melancholy, barely noticeable, yet ever so present, falls upon us. Would that nostalgic state of mind not make more sense if we knew that the body […]

The concept of One Health ultimately sets its agenda on transcending the apparent borders between mankind, the animal kingdom, and the ecosystem to implement a cross-sectoral approach to prevent and manage health risks. Taken each pillar individually, cooperation is not uncommon. For instance, trees share resources and send warning signals with the help of belowground […]